Computer Science

Major Emphasis

计算机科学是CIS专业的重点选择之一. 课程涵盖了计算科学的基础和理论框架, 它是为那些计划在研究生阶段继续学习的人准备的. A combination of CIS and math courses in this emphasis cover topics including artificial intelligence, data mining, number theory, graph theory, 离散数学结构, and more, 让学生为研究生学习做好准备.

关于该项目的其他信息以及广泛的实习机会, research, 在计算机科学重点视觉指南(链接到PDF)和 CIS major page.

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Computer Science Snapshot

Beyond the Classroom

W&J的CIS项目优先考虑动手实践. Activities in the classroom and off-campus internships help students apply their knowledge in real-world settings. 实习内容包括网络安全研究, 数据迁移和数据分析, 医疗记录实施. 这些职位为他们在各种规模的科技公司工作做好了准备, private companies, and nonprofit organizations, 以及严格的高等教育项目.

澳门葡京博彩软件的学生在离开校园之前就成功了. Jakerra Lance ’22 earned a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) with the University of Austin Texas through the National Science Foundation, and used her skills as a CIS and history double major to work on an independent visualization project with the 网络基础设施研究4社会变革 REU site.

CIS majors also apply their skills at local non-profit organizations with an unmet technology need during their capstone course, 服务学习项目管理. 澳门葡京博彩软件的学生曾与WashPa outdoor合作, 西南PA家庭暴力服务(DVSSP), Washington County Food Bank, and Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) on projects ranging from creating a local bird-finding app, 推动保育教育, 并分析信息安全管理.

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